Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested Industry Partners may contact Sue Griffin, at SGriffin@smithbucklin.com or  +1-312-673-5586 for more information and to find an opportunity that aligns with your company's goals!

Educational Opportunities

WOCCU Webinars — US$5,000 
Your sponsorship includes recognition at an official World Council Webinar of your choice. These educational sessions range in topic, audience demographics, and regional focus, drawing anywhere from 50 – 500 highly engaged credit union professionals from around the world. Contact our Strategic Alliance Manager to learn more about upcoming sessions to find one that will best align with your goals. Full webinar benefits below are included.

Education Advocate — US$7,500
Do you have your own content you’d like to present to our audience? Enlist subject-matter experts of your choice to discuss industry-relevant topics such as Digital Transformation, Young Professionals, Cybersecurity, Fintech, and more! Your organization will provide the content and panelists and we provide the facilitator, audience and virtual platform. This unique opportunity allows you to customize a webinar for our international audience with the partnership of our Virtual Platform Team. Full webinar benefits below are included. Contact our Strategic Alliance Manager to learn more about this opportunity.

Webinar Benefits:

  • Logo recognition on all marketing and social media promotion, including a "Thank You for Support" link to the sponsoring company
  • Two e-mail blasts to WOCCU Membership including sponsoring company logo and website link.
During Webinar
  • Logo recognition in the waiting room
  • Logo recognition on the webinar intro and sponsor slide
  • Opportunity to provide an announcement advertisement in the first or last two minutes of the webinar
  • Access to list of registered attendee information, including emails and titles (for one time usage).*
  • Performance metrics
  • Webinar available on World Council's YouTube Channel 
*Emails of those who opt-in during the registration process.
World Council to provide webinar promotion, attendee registration and webinar platform. 

Networking and Lead Generation Opportunities

Networking Roulette — US$10,000 
Get in front of attendees when you host an engaging networking roulette session through an elite virtual networking platform offering one-on-one discussions. A variety of options are available to meet your organization's goals, our Strategic Alliance Manager is available to discuss in more depth. 

World Council will provide promotion, networking platform via Meetaway and registration. Sponsoring company may select preferred date and time. Sponsorship includes logo recognition, video to be played when attendees log-in to the networking platform and 10  (ten) VIP registration for sponsoring company to come up as top-picks for attendees to be matched with. 

Branding & Advertising Opportunities

Digital Ads  —  US$2,500 - US$7,500*
Gain access to World Council's web traffic through tailored digital marketing campaigns. Various packages are available based on impressions per month. We have a webinar recording here that shows how we utilize Feathr. Digital Ad Packages are here

*Please note that all artwork, logos or informational pieces must be provided by the sponsor.

Industry Partners